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The First Eco-lodge in Nepal 

Langtang Valley was one of the areas worst-hit by a devastating earthquake in 2015. On the site of Langtang village, now buried under 100 feet of rock avalanche, people are trying to rebuild their livelihoods. We‘d like to help our friends lead the way with a minimum waste, environment friendly trekking lodge.


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Are you interested what is new in project ?

It will be built and run by local people with our assistance.

Together with our Nepalese friends, we will build an ecological lodge in the Langtang Valley.


But we need to secure funding for the construction. We also appreciate any experience and advice on environmentaly-friendly technologies in high altitudes.


You can contribute  2401348621/2010 (CZK) OR 2301348624/2010 (EUR) OR transparent account 2001348622/2010 , we could to provide you a gift certificate. Even a small amount will help us!


All the money goes to materials for construction and technology - we are happy to give our work (including travel expenses) free of charge.

Would you like to support us?? Follow us on FB, let us know by email, tell your friends about us.

Thank you!

Spolu s místními z údolí Langtang chceme vybudovat první nepálskou ekologickou horskou chatu s udržitelným provozem, který minimálně zatěžuje životní prostředí.

​​​© 2017 by ECO LODGE

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